Online Messages
- Advent (2021) 4
- Advent: Waiting in Hope 4
- Be Still 2
- Because He Lives - 60th Anniversary 1
- Being Human 3
- Christmas Eve (2024) - God’s Image Among Us 1
- Christmas Eve - Hope is Here 1
- Criticizing Jesus 5
- Damascus Road 2
- Echoing Hope 8
- Emmanuel - God With Us - Christmas Eve 2023 1
- Family Life 6
- Follow the Light 1
- Glow (Values Series) 6
- Good News People 6
- Haunted by the Transcendent 3
- Hope Fully 1
- How to Pray - Learning How to Pray Like Jesus 1
- How to read the Bible 1
- I Witness 3
- In the Waiting 3
- Joy/Full: A Generous and Content Life 8
- Last Words 7
- Life Sunday 1
- Margins: leaving room for God to work 3
- Margins: leaving space for God to work 1
- Messy: Loving others isn’t easy 6
- New Year Prayer 1
- Out With the Old 2
- Parables 3
- Risk as a Spiritual Discipline 1
- Seven Words to the Church Today 7
- Summer on the Mount 8
- The Book of James 8
- The Curtain 1
- The Emotions of Jesus 5
- The Influence of Jesus 5
- The Prodigal Son 3
- The Way Of Gratitude 1
- The Way of Gratitude - Serve the City 1
- Things Jesus Never Said 4
- Tis' the Season 3
- To My Friend Who Left the Faith 5
- Valleys & Peaks 1
- Vivid 5
- November 2021 1
- December 2021 3
- January 2022 3
- February 2022 3
- March 2022 5
- April 2022 5
- May 2022 5
- June 2022 4
- July 2022 3
- August 2022 4
- September 2022 5
- October 2022 4
- November 2022 5
- December 2022 3
- January 2023 5
- February 2023 4
- March 2023 4
- April 2023 5
- May 2023 5
- June 2023 4
- July 2023 3
- August 2023 5
- September 2023 2
- October 2023 7
- November 2023 3
- December 2023 4
- January 2024 5
- February 2024 5
- March 2024 4
- April 2024 5
- May 2024 4
- June 2024 4
- July 2024 4
- August 2024 4
- September 2024 3
- October 2024 5
- November 2024 4
- December 2024 3
- January 2025 6
- February 2025 2
Messy: Loving others isn’t easy #3-“Avoiding Conflict”
Conflict follows relationships. Relationships are "Messy." No matter what we do, we will find ourselves in challenging conversations and with people that push our buttons. As followers of Jesus, how might we engage with a posture of openness and grace? What does Jesus show us about speaking the truth in love? What do we do when we've broken relationships and desire reconciliation? This series explores how we might step into conflict with intention, humility, and love.
Messy: Loving others isn’t easy #2-“Jesus & Family Conflicts”
Conflict follows relationships. Relationships are "Messy." No matter what we do, we will find ourselves in challenging conversations and with people that push our buttons. As followers of Jesus, how might we engage with a posture of openness and grace? What does Jesus show us about speaking the truth in love? What do we do when we've broken relationships and desire reconciliation? This series explores how we might step into conflict with intention, humility, and love.
Messy: Loving others isn’t easy #1-“Jesus`s Wisdom in Conflict”
Conflict follows relationships. Relationships are "Messy." No matter what we do, we will find ourselves in challenging conversations and with people that push our buttons. As followers of Jesus, how might we engage with a posture of openness and grace? What does Jesus show us about speaking the truth in love? What do we do when we've broken relationships and desire reconciliation? This series explores how we might step into conflict with intention, humility, and love.
Echoing Hope#8--“Easter Sunday: Resurrection”
The truth is that none of us live free of difficulties or hardships. Pain is real. So, how can we learn to live abundantly in the midst of our struggles? The answer is found in the hopeful humanity of Jesus. Echoing Hope is a series that reveals how understanding the humanity of Jesus can radically transform our identity and empower us to step into our pain-filled world in a new way. As we look at Jesus as our model for what it means to become more fully human, we will discover how to overcome despair and encounter the beautiful potential of our lives.
Echoing Hope#7-“Good Friday: Our Stories about the Cross”
The truth is that none of us live free of difficulties or hardships. Pain is real. So, how can we learn to live abundantly in the midst of our struggles? The answer is found in the hopeful humanity of Jesus. Echoing Hope is a series that reveals how understanding the humanity of Jesus can radically transform our identity and empower us to step into our pain-filled world in a new way. As we look at Jesus as our model for what it means to become more fully human, we will discover how to overcome despair and encounter the beautiful potential of our lives.
Echoing Hope#6-“Take the Cup Away”
The truth is that none of us live free of difficulties or hardships. Pain is real. So, how can we learn to live abundantly in the midst of our struggles? The answer is found in the hopeful humanity of Jesus. Echoing Hope is a series that reveals how understanding the humanity of Jesus can radically transform our identity and empower us to step into our pain-filled world in a new way. As we look at Jesus as our model for what it means to become more fully human, we will discover how to overcome despair and encounter the beautiful potential of our lives.
Echoing Hope#5-“When God Weeps”
The truth is that none of us live free of difficulties or hardships. Pain is real. So, how can we learn to live abundantly in the midst of our struggles? The answer is found in the hopeful humanity of Jesus. Echoing Hope is a series that reveals how understanding the humanity of Jesus can radically transform our identity and empower us to step into our pain-filled world in a new way. As we look at Jesus as our model for what it means to become more fully human, we will discover how to overcome despair and encounter the beautiful potential of our lives.
Echoing Hope#4-“Trampling Fear”
The truth is that none of us live free of difficulties or hardships. Pain is real. So, how can we learn to live abundantly in the midst of our struggles? The answer is found in the hopeful humanity of Jesus. Echoing Hope is a series that reveals how understanding the humanity of Jesus can radically transform our identity and empower us to step into our pain-filled world in a new way. As we look at Jesus as our model for what it means to become more fully human, we will discover how to overcome despair and encounter the beautiful potential of our lives.
Echoing Hope#3-“Love in Advance”
The truth is that none of us live free of difficulties or hardships. Pain is real. So, how can we learn to live abundantly in the midst of our struggles? The answer is found in the hopeful humanity of Jesus. Echoing Hope is a series that reveals how understanding the humanity of Jesus can radically transform our identity and empower us to step into our pain-filled world in a new way. As we look at Jesus as our model for what it means to become more fully human, we will discover how to overcome despair and encounter the beautiful potential of our lives.
Echoing Hope#2-“Empowered for the Desert”
The truth is that none of us live free of difficulties or hardships. Pain is real. So, how can we learn to live abundantly in the midst of our struggles? The answer is found in the hopeful humanity of Jesus. Echoing Hope is a series that reveals how understanding the humanity of Jesus can radically transform our identity and empower us to step into our pain-filled world in a new way. As we look at Jesus as our model for what it means to become more fully human, we will discover how to overcome despair and encounter the beautiful potential of our lives.
Echoing Hope #1 -”Human … Like Jesus?”
The truth is that none of us live free of difficulties or hardships. Pain is real. So, how can we learn to live abundantly in the midst of our struggles? The answer is found in the hopeful humanity of Jesus. Echoing Hope is a series that reveals how understanding the humanity of Jesus can radically transform our identity and empower us to step into our pain-filled world in a new way. As we look at Jesus as our model for what it means to become more fully human, we will discover how to overcome despair and encounter the beautiful potential of our lives.
Before War…Be FOR
On Life Sunday, we celebrate what God is doing in the life of our congregation and beyond. We have much to celebrate. At the same time, our world is facing another crisis: war. What does it mean to be people who make peace in a world of violence? On Sunday, we celebrate and we lament, trusting that Jesus has given us even greater weapons than those our world wields.
Valleys & Peaks
In the spiritual life, we will face many valleys. Valleys are the spaces that are hard—where doubt, uncertainty, and suffering press against the life we actually long to live. In moments like this, we can find comfort in the mountaintop experiences we’ve had with God in the past. While these aren’t the only means of being sustained in hard seasons, they can remind us that even when evidence seems to the contrary, God still is present and still loves us.
Vivid #5 - “The Great Contrast of Gratitude”
How does God see us? How do we see God? How does this inform how we see our world? There are external forces at work that shape our picture of Jesus: our world, culture, institutions, and families. Our image of what God is like is often a blurred distortion of reality. “Vivid” is an invitation to see Christ with greater clarity so that he can become the foundation of a life free from shame. God’s posture towards us all is love. Seeing Jesus in this way changes everything.
Vivid #4 - “Friendship with Jesus”
How does God see us? How do we see God? How does this inform how we see our world? There are external forces at work that shape our picture of Jesus: our world, culture, institutions, and families. Our image of what God is like is often a blurred distortion of reality. “Vivid” is an invitation to see Christ with greater clarity so that he can become the foundation of a life free from shame. God’s posture towards us all is love. Seeing Jesus in this way changes everything.
Vivid #3 - “Converting our Imaginations”
How does God see us? How do we see God? How does this inform how we see our world? There are external forces at work that shape our picture of Jesus: our world, culture, institutions, and families. Our image of what God is like is often a blurred distortion of reality. “Vivid” is an invitation to see Christ with greater clarity so that he can become the foundation of a life free from shame. God’s posture towards us all is love. Seeing Jesus in this way changes everything.
Vivid #2 - “Created for Shalom”
How does God see us? How do we see God? How does this inform how we see our world? There are external forces at work that shape our picture of Jesus: our world, culture, institutions, and families. Our image of what God is like is often a blurred distortion of reality. “Vivid” is an invitation to see Christ with greater clarity so that he can become the foundation of a life free from shame. God’s posture towards us all is love. Seeing Jesus in this way changes everything.
Vivid #1 - “Our Vision of God”
How does God see us? How do we see God? How does this inform how we see our world? There are external forces at work that shape our picture of Jesus: our world, culture, institutions, and families. Our image of what God is like is often a blurred distortion of reality. “Vivid” is an invitation to see Christ with greater clarity so that he can become the foundation of a life free from shame. God’s posture towards us all is love. Seeing Jesus in this way changes everything.
Christmas Eve (2021): “Into the Neighbourhood”
Advent is a season that anticipates the coming of Jesus into the world. With ancient Israel—after years of violence, upheaval, disobedience, times of repentance, and longing—we look forward to the coming Messiah. Only he is able to bring true peace to the nations and to usher in the renewed creation. So during this season, we anticipate. We step into the tension with the ancient people of God to experience prophetic longings with them—all the while knowing that Jesus will come (and indeed has come!) to fulfill all the hopes of previous times.
Advent #4 - “Love”
Advent is a season that anticipates the coming of Jesus into the world. With ancient Israel—after years of violence, upheaval, disobedience, times of repentance, and longing—we look forward to the coming Messiah. Only he is able to bring true peace to the nations and to usher in the renewed creation. So during this season, we anticipate. We step into the tension with the ancient people of God to experience prophetic longings with them—all the while knowing that Jesus will come (and indeed has come!) to fulfill all the hopes of previous times.