Next Steps
Consider your next best step with Brentview!
Meet Us.
If you haven’t done so already, fill out our Connection Card so that you can get regular email updates (not spam!) and so you can let us know how we can come alongside your journey at Brentview. Getting connected at a new church can be hard, we want to remove as many barriers as possible so that you can join us as we seek a common centre: Jesus.
Attend a Welcome Lunch.
Once a month we gather together to discuss where the church has been and where the church is going. We briefly talk about our values and what it means to be a Jesus-centred church for Calgary. We spend more time sharing stories and celebrating what God is up to. Sign up today! We would love to get to know you.
Join a One Group. (small groups)
Relationships matter. If you want to take what you are experiencing on a Sunday morning and discover with others what it looks like to put it into practice, joining a One Group is your best next step. These are midweek, short-term, small groups that exist to build relationships and explore the themes of the current sermon series. A One Group is a small group of people focused on one thing for a dedicated period of time. One Groups centre around Jesus through spiritual practices and encourage us to experience transformation with others.
Get Involved. (volunteer)
Ready to help out? It takes many volunteers to make Sundays (and beyond!) at Brentview a reality. Joining a team is a great way to make new friends, make a difference, and ultimately an invitation to love like Jesus as someone who serves others. At Brentview, we all generously step in and do our part. We are contributors not consumers. There are several areas where you can join a Ministry Team: kids, students, production, hospitality, meals, music, and more. You can also learn how to serve with one of our local missional partners.
Curious About the Christian Faith? Join Alpha.
Like a One Group, Alpha offers an opportunity to connect with others at Brentview. This is a short-term group that invites participants who are curious about Christianity to explore what we believe and how we live it out. Questions are welcome in this judgement free zone. The Alpha Course outlines the core principles of the Christian faith that all denominations agree on. Consider joining our next round of groups which are a series of interactive sessions that explore the basics of what it means to follow Jesus.
Get Baptized!
If you have become a follower of Jesus, one of the first things Jesus invites us to experience is the grace of Baptism. Taking this step is the inaugural act of worship for new Christians.
“That’s what baptism into the life of Jesus means. When we are lowered into the water, it is like the burial of Jesus; when we are raised up out of the water, it is like the resurrection of Jesus. Each of us is raised into a light-filled world by our Father so that we can see where we’re going in our new grace-sovereign country.” (Romans 6:3-5, The Message)
If you are interested in getting baptized or learning more about baptism, fill out the form below!
Become a Member.
We desire to function more like a family than a religious organization. We gather to worship, we grow together in groups, and we give back as we serve our neighbours. Membership is your opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to the mission. The membership process involves: 1) an application form, 2) a membership class, and 3) being welcomed as a new member in a Sunday service. If you would like to find out more about membership, fill out the form below!

Interested in Prayer? Learn more about our weekly Prayer Spaces.
We hope you will pray with us!