Online Messages

Advent (2021) Kurt Willems Advent (2021) Kurt Willems

Advent #3 - “Joy”

Advent is a season that anticipates the coming of Jesus into the world. With ancient Israel—after years of violence, upheaval, disobedience, times of repentance, and longing—we look forward to the coming Messiah. Only he is able to bring true peace to the nations and to usher in the renewed creation. So during this season, we anticipate. We step into the tension with the ancient people of God to experience prophetic longings with them—all the while knowing that Jesus will come (and indeed has come!) to fulfill all the hopes of previous times.

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Advent (2021) Kurt Willems Advent (2021) Kurt Willems

Advent #1 - “Hope”

Advent is a season that anticipates the coming of Jesus into the world. With ancient Israel—after years of violence, upheaval, disobedience, times of repentance, and longing—we look forward to the coming Messiah. Only he is able to bring true peace to the nations and to usher in the renewed creation. So during this season, we anticipate. We step into the tension with the ancient people of God to experience prophetic longings with them—all the while knowing that Jesus will come (and indeed has come!) to fulfill all the hopes of previous times.

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