Personal Formation

Take deeper steps in your journey towards a more Jesus-Centred life.


The following resources are designed for anyone who wants to take “Deeper Steps” with Jesus. This list is a work in progress, so books may be added or deleted along the way. From time-to-time a selection of these resources will be available to purchase at the Connection Centre in the church lobby on Sundays. (To be clear: We aren’t endorsing every word of each book, but we do think these have helpful insights to help us grow into more Jesus-centred people.)

Devotional & Prayer

Here are some helpful resources that guide you in daily devotional practices.

Bible Study

The “For Everyone” series of devotional commentaries are great for studying books of the Bible. Each book of the Old and New Testaments is covered. Below, you will find a couple of examples from this series, but each volume is readily available.

 Spiritual Formation

These are books designed to help you grow in your journey with Jesus.

Jesus and the Kingdom

Who is Jesus and what does he invite us to be part of? These books are great conversation partners.

The Christian Story and Hope

What does the biblical story say about our ultimate hope? Here are some books about the big story of the Scriptures and the hope of Jesus to restore all things in the end.

The Bible

While we might not agree with every word each author has to say about Scripture, these books give us helpful guidelines for interpreting the Bible.

Christian Peacemaking

“Blessed are the peacemakers…” These resources inspire and equip us to bring shalom to our relationships, city, and world.

Kids Books

These are great resources for teaching kids about Jesus.