Margins: leaving room for God to work #1 - Silence & Solitude



This four-week series explores the importance of having margin in our lives. Margins are “the space between our load and our limits” (Mark Lenz), times that we can give God to grow in our walk with him. Each week focuses on a different spiritual discipline—directly related to margin—that we see put on display in the life of Jesus.

David Friesen

David has had several roles at Brentview including Pastor of Family Ministry for many years and then Executive Pastor for the last 6 years. His passion is to align our ministries to our vision and values. David has a Master of Arts in Leadership from Trinity Western University and a Bachelor of Theology from Vanguard College. He believes God is the ultimate creative and that designing innovative spaces is an intimate and honouring form of worship. David is most proud of his family. His wife and three kids are his happy place.


Margins: leaving room for God to work #2 - Sabbath


To My Friend Who Left the Faith #5-Notice Jesus