Be Still #1 - Filled, Strengthened, and Set Free



We have a vital need to cultivate the spiritual practices of solitude and silence in the midst of our always-connected, digital world. Jesus, himself, modelled the importance of withdrawing from the busyness of life for times of prayer and rest. Solitude is a foundational practice to get to know Jesus. We are invited to slow down, find silence, and be with God. As we follow Jesus in this way, we can find physical, emotional, and mental rest and spiritual refreshing in God.

Jodi Bruneski

Pastor Jodi moved to Calgary in 2013 to complete her Sociology degree at the University of Calgary. Brentview has been her church home ever since! Prior to being our Pastor for Generational Ministry, she oversaw our Kids Ministry. Jodi is passionate about Jesus, connecting with people, and helping everyone find their place in the church family. She loves snow, books, and cuddling her dog, Maybe.


Be Still #2 - Face the Chaos


Haunted by the Transcendent #3 - Doubt